A Whirlwind and a Standstill

Ha! This blog is on “reboot” I don’t even know how many at this point. I started The Palm House five years ago … what?! Eric and I were dating and a month later got engaged. If you go way back into the archives you’ll see posts about wedding planning, DIY projects, recipes, our home build … all sorts of things.

And then, well, life got busy … like really busy. We had Lincoln, we were both working a ton growing our careers, traveling and navigating being first-time parents. We were just settling into it all, and then BAM a global pandemic. Ok … we adjusted into a “new normal,” embraced a much slower pace and settled into our home being the center for everything. For almost a year, it was pretty much just the three of us.

Shortly after Lincoln’s first birthday, we decided that even though we were living in a time of such uncertainty life was still happening. We wanted to grow our family, so when we found out we were pregnant three months after Linc’s birthday, we were thrilled! We kept plugging along as we had been (adding some bad morning sickness and a growing belly to the mix), and the next thing we knew it was July and our sweet girl, Sutton, was born.

I’m half way through Sutton’s maternity leave, and with some newly found down time, I wanted to revisit this side project. So here we are … while the last eight months have been a whirlwind, and at times a standstill, I’m looking forward to getting back into sharing our favorite big and small moments from the Palm House.

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