Just Do the Best You Can …

“Be brave, and just do the best you can today.” I found myself saying this to Lincoln while wiping away the big, silent tears rolling down his face. We were in the middle of a parking lot, backpacks for him and Sutton stuffed full of all their favorite things. 

“It’s ok to be nervous and a little scared, but you’ve got this … and you have each other,” I said in my most upbeat and optimistic tone. They both nodded and followed me. It’s just a few days at backup daycare while our regular one is closed. 

They’ll be fine – just a blip on the radar. It’s a learning experience for them, and they’ll be stronger for it. But at that moment, my words felt heavy. 

That phrase, “Just do the best you can …” has been on replay in my mind lately. 

Life has been chaotic. The simplest way I can explain it is like a string of lights. A bunch of “blips” that impact the day-to-day. Some are the most amazing experiences, others frustrating moments … all things strung together over time.

One of those “blips” was recently much bigger than the others, forcing my string of lights to burst. In the days following, I had two choices: let the “blip” forever define and control me, or use it to shape my path forward. 

It was in the shock, sadness, anger and darkness that I promised myself that I would never let the experience define me, and I would “do the best I can” to move forward. And I’m glad I did.

It’s been hard work, and I’m still processing the triggers from that experience, but I’m keeping my promise to show up to do the best I can for myself. 

I’m proud for taking a step back to reflect on what I want. For my family and myself … everything is on the table. I’m someone who always chases the next thing. But at some point, was I just chasing for the sake of doing so? It certainly felt like it in some ways. It’s time to reset. 

I’m also allowing myself to stand in my value and worth. There’s a lot I can’t control … and whoa did that “big blip” serve as a wake-up call … but I can control how I view and treat myself. My perspective on things has changed in so many ways, and I am working to trust my instincts and feel confident in my new voice.

It also feels amazing to get back into my yoga practice. I forgot how much I need this to decompress and ground myself … which is comical because I’ve talked about my practice many times over the years: Good Vibes Only, Speak Your Truth and I Decide My Vibe.  

So, I’m showing up and doing the best I can. I’m not on this journey alone and I can’t say enough about the love and support my husband, family and friends are providing. 

So, please know, if you’ve also experienced a blip that blew the string of lights … it’s okay. Take comfort in the opportunity to create a new string that’s stronger and more vibrant. It just takes time, being brave and trusting that you’re doing the best you can. You got this. 

If you’re interested in exploring some of the resources recommended to me, check out:

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